domingo, 30 de agosto de 2009

Kubla Khan

How to understand a poem is something too difficult to do, even more if people are every day reading less. Furthermore, poetry needs a lot of interpretation, imagination and history, and with all technology we have makes more difficult to understand it, because everything people need is on internet and so people make less effort according to what they want to do. Therefore, it's more difficult to comprehend what Samuel T. Coleridge wants to say in his poems, such as "Kubla Khan".
This poem is a huge representation among divinity, paradise, superiority, and the terrenal world. Although, this poem was written many years ago, these simbols or representations are still in our minds. Meanwhile, you are reading this poem you are realizing that all of us need our oun paradise but according to our perspective and what we want for us that could bring us calm and peace. However, this paradise is not so far away, we can make it real; but we have to be opened to our world and see what the Earth can give us, and it can make possible to give our paradises if we can and want to see it. Nevertheless, living in this terrenal world, especially in cities like Santiago, makes us to live blind of the beauty we have.
In sum, people are facing two important elements that do not leave them to live in their paradise, such as this terrenal world/terrenal life and the technology nowadays. However, Coleridge is showing us that we can se our paradise and we can live our divinity with the superiority but if we are stipulated to see it. We ca live our calm and peace, peradise, and divinity if we want to see it, because it is in front of us.

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