domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2009

The Great Oliver Twist

Charles Dickens wrote Oliver Twist at the beginning of the Victorian Age and in the middle of the Industrial Revolution, inside the construction of Railways. This novel is a great example of the consequences of the urbanization of central cities: poverty, discrimination, child labor, orphans, rejection and class discomfort in society.
Oliver’s story portraits the child work in terms of he and other peers should work and the most of the time steal for other older people who did not have job, thus, they did not have food to eat. Therefore, this story shows a huge scarcity rate that is a strong characteristic from the Victorian Era. Progress is very ambiguous word that strongly belongs to this story about Modernity. I this time, progress or modernity had not occurred without child work hard and their role of the adults’ survival.
Other aspect that appears in this novel is about the good and the evil; Oliver as the good living in the evil world as Fagin committed criminal acts stealing to the people. In those times, people were losing their religion or their faith because of the scientifical discoveries and what they had been living, their bad experiences in life, in their society that mean disappointment and hopeless. So, Oliver experienced the life inside the evil, although he was there and it was so hard to escape from, he finally finished in a well way, I mean, in a better way of living than in the beginning.
Realizing what I wrote and what the story is about, I see our society nowadays as same as what Charles Dickens portraits in his novel. For this reason, are we more modern than Victorian Age society? Have we progressed in our social life? Perhaps, this time is more comfortable in terms of technology, but we still live what Dickens wrote 172 years ago…

domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2009

"The Signal Man"


Frankenstein Jr.

Mary Shelley raised a very important topic to people, “accept or be accepted in the society.” While I was reading this story I realized that the world of who is not accepted is very dark, and it happens everyday in every place nowadays. The creature is a clear example of living a nostalgic life being not accepted by the society, therefore this story is so dark and gloomy.
This is what I learned when i read this story, we should learn to live with others in society as social beings we are. At the same time, I realized that I am not a close minded person who tends to separate someone because of his/her differences. I am an open minded person and I am able to tolerate “different people.” This is not about someone strange that does not belong to a social group, this means to find new worlds with this peoplo who is different to our customs and around, especially people who is abandoned by his/her family because of hi/her differences. These differences provoke Franky to live a social-rejection and, thus, a self-rejection which left Frankenstein grow up and understand his own world.
Although, he found a family which one he felt they were his real family, he was rejected by them, and fro the people who appear later. Franky lived a hell on his abandonment and rejection from the people and society. I think this is what Mary Shelley tries to emphasise in her story, about social issues, rejection, abandonment, and so on. And, nowadays, if we discussed this story’s issues it would be very interesting in terms of realizing what kind of people we are and if we like that, especially, if we, as teachers, could discuss these kind of topics with children, and it would be very helpful for their feelings and thoughts about themselves and for and with the world.

"The Daffodils" by Wordsworth

The golden leaves falling in a heavy fall after an intense summer are what daffodils mean to me. As the poet claims, “Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze,” this portrays the leaves of the trees which show the process of nature in its purest form, becoming the treasure of the ground that waits passively to get rich with the golden leaves after their dancing in the hostile breeze.

And the relationship between nature and the poet is the breeze that connects the top of the imagination with eager people waiting for the wealth of imagination and the poet's expression reflected on sheets of papers. But, at the same time, nature and the poet are related with the lonely cloud. The poet is in the earth as lonely as the cloud in the sky, as the cloud which is observing and expressing the beauty of the nature down in the ground; and as the poet who is observing and expressing in a beauty manner what he feels from the natural relationship aming people in society.

Finally, what I inerpreted in “A poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund company,” is the poet falling in love of his similar, the poet being the man looks at nature as his similar... there is not an opposite, being the poet similar to nature as the company in its way of working in the world.

"When I Have Fears that I may Cease to Be" by Keats

Reading the first verse of the Keans’ poetry I thought it opens our eyes in terms of any moment we will cease to be for and with the world. The biggest fear we have as human beings is the death and the way we will disappear from our world, though we are surely going to live the death process.

According to my interpretation about what Keans tries to express, the following verses are the attempt to describe the feelings and the despair to think in the death, but not only in the death itself, thinking in the minutes before the death's appearance. Imaging and feeling the fears and the despair that you can not be with your love ones anymore, because death comes without desiring it. Without knowing that your time and your life in the world is completed, everything that you had to live it is already done, however you feel it is not like this, you still need life to live; as a result of our feelings to the others and to some moments that make us to feel alive, thus we are trapped in this world hindering death’s way and work.

I think that feelings are what make us to feel alive, but we have to leave this world physically ti is the process of the life. Even though, we can still be alive in the people's minds, our acts in the world are what people is going to remember of us.